Jennifer (Nightshade77)


Nightshade77 (Jennifer) has been active in the BDSM, Leather and kink group scene since 2003.  Starting her path in South Carolina, she relocated to Virginia a few years ago.  During her journey, she has been a leader or co-founder of local groups focused on education towards those new to the kink world, as well as regional groups focused towards building group leadership. 

Nightshade77 has experienced, and questioned, many leather resources along the way.  She is easily spotted wearing rainbow and comic icons, forming her own unique expression of leather.  She holds the principle of following your own path close to her heart, but also believes in making sure to first learn the history of it, so you know the foundations you are building upon.

Jennifer (Nightshade77) - 2018 Historian

Community Educator and Activist
