Leather History Preservation Foundation

2019 Leather History Preservation Weekend

The Third Time Was Charmed

The third Leather History Preservation Weekend was held October 25th – 27th, 2019, in a very different city, and a very different hotel. We once again had a marvelous panel of historians representing the diversity and intersectionality of the many voices in our Leather community. We were honored to have Hardy Haberman, as our keynote historian. We were delighted to have all of our historians come to share their journeys with us – Sir Guy deBrownsville, Master James Ross Rawley, boy Dana, Girl Amelia, and Sir Paris. But they were not the only ones sharing their histories as the many attendees found connection, and kinship, in unexpected ways and places.

2019 Historians

Hardy Haberman, keynote
Sir Paris
Sir Guy DeBrownsville
Master James Ross Rawley
Girl Amelia
boy dana

Attendance for LHPW 2019 dropped from our 2018 event. We were not able to renew our contract with the Red Lion on a suitable date. We were fortunate to find a location in Atlanta that wanted us, and worked with us to provide a great experience. But we had to fall back to October dates, and the move to Atlanta made it more difficult for our attendees from the mid-Atlantic area to drive in. The proximity to the Atlanta airport does make it easier for those who fly to attend, so we feel that in the long term that tradeoff is fair. With the first weekend of November 2020 already secured with a contract, we are looking on building for the future!

The close and private event space encouraged everyone to spend time with our speakers and one another, to really connect and relate on a personal level. We had cocktails, and lots of socialization for networking. The new venue didn’t have room available for us to set up play spaces. Considering how little the spaces were used at our past events, we were ok with this. Reduced costs for space meant we could pass that savings on and reduced the pricing for the event! No one seemed to mind the lower prices.

We are incredibly grateful to our 2019 SPONSORS and Advertisers!

LHPW would not happen without their generous support!

SELF Title Family In The House!

1st Row, l to r: quazi – SELF boy 2018, tidbit – SELF BB2018, Andy – SELF boy 2012 & SE BB 2008

2nd Row: slave sheri & Master Blue – SE Master/slave 2018, Jennifer Deese Ms SELF 2015, slave_ravyn & Master IceDog – SE Master/slave 2017, boy Dave – SE Leatherboy 2004 & SELF BB 2011, MsTori – SE BB 2016

So we got this little award…
The Pantheon of Leather
Small Event of the Year – 2018

The 2019 Leather Quilt!

Our 2019 Host Hotel

We had to scramble to secure a place to call home for our third Leather History Preservation Weekend. Master Ben introduced us to the sales manager for Leather Leadership Conference’s host hotel, and we were off to the races! The venue and staff were very welcoming as we explained that our attendees were the same kind of people they would see at LLC. They worked with us to bring you a great event in a great facility. We had all the space we needed for our histories, cocktails, vending, socializing and round table. And the dinner Saturday was thoughtfully done and tasty. They did such a great job, and they were happy to have us, to the point they agreed to a contract with us for 2020 before the 2019 event even started!

The Leather History Preservation Weekend Crew

Leather History Preservation Weekend could not happen without a lot of on site work! From load-in and setup starting on Thursday evening, to load-out on Sunday afternoon, we needed many hands to get things done. Event security, setup and take down crew, history session monitors, hospitality helpers and more! Everyone chipped in to make this event happen. The Board might do the pre-event planning and logistics, but without our dedicated on site staff and crew, LHPW just would not have happened at all.

The Board salutes them and sends out a huge