Leather History Preservation Foundation

2023 Historian: Master Wes

Master Wes

Leather Master, Veteran, Archivist

Master Wes


Originally from Arkansas, Master Wes joined the US Navy, which brought him to the Hampton Roads area of Virginia in 1988 and has been there ever since. He began his journey in the early eighties, and stepped onto his leather path when he met slave terry early in 2006. Later that year accepted her into his service in December. In 2014 he met his Baby Girl, Charlotte Marie, and accepted her into his service, also in December.

He is the Senior Master of The Holding at Joyous Reach, a 24/7 M/s Leather Family in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Joyous Reach focuses on providing education on M/s relationships, communications, and consensual BDSM. The family is also active in both the BDSM and larger community, engaging in education, fund raising and awareness activities.

Master Wes is the Eldest Brother in the Kingdom of the Three Kings, an extended leather tribe focusing on service to our community. The Kingdom consists of Master Wes’ “Joyous Reach,” Master Robert’s “Thumper’s Keep,” and Master Ray’s “Stingray’s Lair.” We have joined together to allow us to accomplish larger goals than any of us could achieve separately. As a result of these and other efforts, Master Wes received the “Master Taino Walking in the Way of the Master Award,” an annual award given to a person who exemplifies service in their community at the inaugural Colonial Kink conference in March of 2010.

Master Wes is active in his local community as a member, teacher, and mentor. He serves as the Director of Masters And slaves Together (MAsT) Hampton Roads, the Director of the Lady Lynette Memorial Scholarship Fund, whose motto is, “Never let money be the reason you don’t go.” He is a founding member of the Cavaliers Leather and Levi Club and served as Pledge Master, Sergeant at arms, Vice President, and President, stepping down from that office in 2021. He served on the board of Colonial Kink II and III; and has been involved in and taught for many different clubs Virginia, North Carolina, and Virginia. Most recently, he assumed the position of Director of the Virginia Annex of the Carter Johnson Library and Collection.

He frequently shares his experience with members of our community beginning with the benefits of having had strong female mentors. He presents on a variety of BDSM and Authority Exchange relationship topics ranging from basic communication skills to how to get people to tell you things they don’t know in languages they don’t speak to historical and literary models for households and relationships, discussing how to use them for inspiration in our daily lives.

Master Wes is adamant in his belief that attending Master Taino’s Training Academy was the pivotal event that set him on the path of both Leather and Mastery. He felt so strongly that this type of experience is important that he sent his slave to the MTTA slave training at the earliest opportunity. “Both of us attending the training gave us a common vocabulary and set of concepts to build from, and I believe it is a critical part of our success.”